Rapide-X Машина для резки каменной ваты / Видео

Rapide-X Машина для резки каменной ваты
499 Просмотры
Murtech Makine Mühendislik Dış Tic. Ltd. Şti.
через 27.10.2022 добавлено на дату.

Murtech Makina Rapide-X Rockwool Cutting Machine

Rockwool Cutting Machine is one of our machines that attracts attention with its cheap and practical use.
Thanks to the automatic path creation option, anyone can use it easily.
You can add optional features such as blade size and number of revolutions to these machines, which offer aesthetic and practical cuts.

Materials it can cut 

  • Mineral Wool, Rock Wool, etc.

  • Sparkling Glass -FG

  • Sponge

  • Extended Styrofoam -EPS

  • Extruded Styrofoam - XPS

  • Polyurethane Foam -PU,PURE

  • Polypropylene Foam -PP

  • Polyethylene Foam- PE

  • Polyisocyanurate-PIR

  • Poliiso, ISO