MASTEK Automation was founded in 2007 as a company established by the merger of established organizations in various sectors. In 2020, its name was changed to MASTEK Automation Medical Machinery Manufacturing Industry and Trade Limited Company and continued its activities. Our company, while aiming to adapt to the changing needs of the industrial age, produces and offers high-quality products suitable for today's technologies to its customers. In this process, we progress tightly adhering to Total Quality Management principles. Quality, time, labor, and mass production are prioritized in our production process. Our machines specially designed for customer demands offer realistic solutions to increase efficiency. Our manufactured machines provide added value to customers' production processes, reduce costs, and increase profitability. The main goal of our company is customer satisfaction. With a customer-oriented approach, machines we produce are planned within the framework of cost-benefit analysis and designed to meet our customers' expectations. Project evaluations aim to reach the most suitable product by controlling customer-focused designs in production. Our company plans the production of machines and facilities used in many areas such as agriculture, environmental, food, medical, and industrial and works on special design projects. Quality, durability, ergonomics, ease of installation, and use are prioritized in the materials used.