Fon Klima Isıtma Soğutma Havalandırma - Кто это

Fon Klima Heating Cooling Ventilation Company has adopted quality service since its establishment, and continues to provide innovative services with a customer-oriented approach that prioritizes customer satisfaction Fon Klima Ventilation systems are specialized in Ventilation, Dust Collection, Chimneys, Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning areas with its expert team. We provide solutions to Restaurant, Eatery, Shelter, Office, Bakery, Cafeteria, Production facility, Factory, Workshop, etc. Our services are applied in places requiring clean air, exhaust and filtering of dirty air. We take pride in serving all of Turkey with our expert staff in Ventilation and Dust Collection Systems. Our Vision will continue to be indispensable basic principles for healthy development and achievement of goals both today and in the future; Product and service quality, reliability, sharing and continuity. Our Mission is to be a leading company that raises its competitiveness in the sector, is adaptable to innovations and changes, respectful to environmental values, does not give up the quality goal in its products and services, and sees human resources open to development as the focal point of success. Our Quality Policy * As managers and employees, we aim to provide necessary services and products to meet the needs, requests and expectations of our customers with a quality and reasonable price policy, * We aim to produce our products and services in accordance with our social policy, * We aim to continuously improve the efficiency, reliability, suitability and quality of all our services and products, * We aim to keep business ethics, respect and smiles at the forefront in our activities, * We aim to better serve our customers by prioritizing all kinds of suggestions, requests and complaints with the eye of our company's partner, * We have adopted all these principles as our quality management system policy.