Распылитель роторный Elit 2000 Turbo / Видео

Распылитель роторный Elit 2000 Turbo
371 Просмотры
Gençgüçsan Tarım Aletleri San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
через 01.03.2023 добавлено на дату.

Gençgüçsan Elit 2000

Elit 2000 Turbo Atomizer Spraying

Our elite series of spraying machines have been designed for classical fruit orchards. Its aesthetical tank structure helps you spray without damaging your trees and machine. The fan can be adjusted in high and wide spraying modes as per the request of the producer. The air bafes placed within the propeller ensure a perfect air balance and a low-noise machine. There are different fan systems available for all fruit trees.