30 Тонн Резиновый Гильотинный Пресс Для Резки Балок

Kadenn KGP 30
30 Tons Rubber Guillotine Bale Cutter Press
Rss3, SMR. SVR, 1500 Series, etc. (33,33 kg and 111 kg balls) Designed for the cutting of natural and synthetic rubber balls and rubber dough.
It is controlled by the Hydraulic Control lever and it is practical, economical, safe and suitable for intensive cutting, which is preferred by most companies with its size of part size.
Kadenn KGP 30 Technicial Specifications :
Cutting Diameter : 1000 mm
Stroke : 700 mm
Speed : 5 cm / sec
Printing Power : 30 Tons
Power : 7.5 Kw
Single Piston
With Inductive Shaft Slide System
Manual Control