Animal Feed and Dry Legumes Silage Packing Machine

MT Makina Geri Dönüşüm Sistemleri İml. İth. İhr. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
tarafından 27.03.2024 tarihinde eklendi.
MT Makina Geri Dönüşüm Sistemleri İml. İth. İhr. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
tarafından 27.03.2024 tarihinde eklendi.
MT Machinery
Animal Feed and Dry Legumes Silage Packing Machine
- Feed maintains the freshness of the first day
- Silage can be stored for a long time without spoiling
- It is economical
- It can be stored in all weather conditions, regardless of climatic conditions.
- Easily transportable
- Reduces labor cost
- Provides environmentally friendly and clean storage
- Provides advanced logistics (storage, storage)
- Saves space with high degree of compression
- Since the products buried in the silage pit deteriorate, minimum product loss occurs thanks to the packaging.
Corn, sorghum, triticale, sunflower, alfalfa etc. It is a juicy, delicious, nutritious and economical roughage obtained as a result of fermentation by lactic acid bacteria, by harvesting at 60-70% humidity level of fodder plants, such as forage crops, after they are shredded in 20-40 mm dimensions, compressed and stored in closed environments without air passage, and fermented by lactic acid bacteria.
Our Monster Silage Packing Machines perform feeding, baling, netting and stretch wrapping processes fully automatically. Production parameters such as bale density, number of stretch and net wraps, feeding speed are adjusted from the control panel of the touch panel according to the product to be packed silage.