Pro Tablet Medicine Press Mold

Fiyat Sorunuz
Min. Sipariş 1 Adet

İlan No: #00206763
Kategori: Tablet İlaç Pres Kalıbı
Marka: Notter
Model Tipi: Pro
Ürün Tipi: Satılık
Ürün Durumu: Sıfır
Menşei: Türkiye
Teslim Durumu: Stokta Var
Konum: Maltepe Mah. / Zeytinburnu / İstanbul
Satış Detayı: Havale / EFT, Görüşülür

Satıcıyla iletişim kur

YGT Laboratuvar Cihazları San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Danışman : YGT L.

Pro Tablet Medicine Press Mold

Notter Pro Consistent precision and long service life are the distinguishing features of modern tablet tooling. NOTTER has been delivering the same high quality for over 50 years and is proud to be the world's leading manufacturer of tooling for all common tablet presses, from standard to the latest technology.

  • Designed for high-volume production, including abrasive and challenging products.

  • Capability to achieve very high compression forces.

  • Above-average service life.

  • Materials tailored to specific applications.

  • Specially adapted coatings.

  • Available for all tool types.

  • Full measurements and documentation in the dispatch certificate, including details on shaft, diameter, functional dimensions, total length, head height and diameter, and tip diameter.

Our application engineer will be happy to provide you with personal advice on the many different application areas for our tried and tested PRO Tool Series and the new NOTTER ECO Tool Series.

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