Motor Yağ Üretim Tesisi - Akfen Makina
Madeni yağlar, 3 temel bileşenden meydana gelir bunlar Baz yağ,Kalınlaştırıcı ve Kimyasal Katkılardır.
Madeni yağlar içerisinde %80 - %95 oranında bulunan en yüksek bileşen Baz yağdır. Madeni yağ özelliğini veren kısım baz yağ olduğu için isteğe göre tercih yapılabilir (sentetik, petrol türevi).
Madeni Yağlar Nasıl Elde Edilir?
Ham petrolün rafinerilerde işlenmesi ile elde edilen ürünlerden biri olan madeni yağlar, özel işlemlerden geçirilerek baz yağlar elde edilir.
Bu yağlar yoğunluklarına göre sınıflandırılır.
Madeni yağlar doğrudan elde edilemez.
Değişik yoğunluktaki baz yağlara istenilen özelliklere göre katkı maddelerin karışımıyla elde edilir.
Madeni Yağların Sınıflandırılması
1. Alifatikler:
a) Parafinik
b) Naftenik
2. Aromatikler
3. Alifatik ve Aromatikler
Madeni yağ sertifika standartlarından geçmeleri için kaliteli baz yağın kullanılması önemlidir.
Madeni yağ üretimi oldukça farklı kimyasal madde kullanıldığından madeni yağlar birbirinden farklı özellikler göstermektedir.
Madeni yağ üretiminde performans ve standartlara uygun baz yağ ve sentetik yağlar tercih edilmektedir.
Motor Yağ Üretim Tesisi Teknik Özellikleri
AK-MY 20
AK-MY 50
AK-MY 100
Günlük işlem kapasitesi
Yüksek Kapasiteli Tesisler İçin Özel Çalışma Yapılacaktır
Toplam işlem süresi
8 Saat
8 Saat
8 Saat
8 Saat
Gerekli fabrika alanı
200 m2
500 m2
600 m2
800 m2
Sistem Isınma Yöntemi
Kızgın Yağ Kazanı , Buhar Kazanı veya Elektrik Rezistans
Üretilecek Ürünler
Otomotiv Yağlar (Dizel ve benzin Yağları) Endüstriyel Yağlar (Dişli Yağ , Kesme Yağ , Makine Yağ)
SN-80 , SN-150 , SN-300 , SN-500 Baz yağ Ve Geri Dönüşüm Baz yağ
Dizel , Fuel Oil , Gaz ve Elektrik
Operasyon Sistemi
Loadcell Otomasyon Sistem Veya Yarı Otomatik Manuel Sistem
Standart Temel Labaratuvar Ekipmanları Sistem İşleyişi İçin Gereklidir
Gerekli İnsan Gücü
1 K.Mühendis 1 Personel
1 K.Mühendis 3 Personel
2 K.Mühendis 5 Personel
2 K.Mühendis 7 Personel
Teslimat süresi
30 İş Günü
35 İş Günü
45 İş Günü
60 İş Günü
Kurulum süresi
5 İş Günü
10 İş Günü
15 İş Günü
20 İş Günü
Akfen Engineering carries out domestic and international turnkey projects for the installation of mineral oil facilities. Let your project take place among the successful projects of Akfen Machine, offering high quality and price guarantee turnkey projects for the installation, assembly, design, electrical installation, piping workmanship, personnel training, automation, insulation, performance tests and commissioning of the mineral oil plant for the desired capacity (In Europe, Arab Countries, Africa) in European countries.
Let your project take place among the successful projects of Akfen Machine, offering quality products and affordable price guarantee.
One of the raw materials obtained as a result of the refining of crude oil is mineral oils. A second refining process is carried out in order to separate the mineral oils according to their densities. After the second refining process, crude base oils such as SN80, SN150, SN 350 and SN500 are obtained.
Duties of Mineral Oils
Mineral oils enable the parts to move easily by reducing friction between surfaces.
Mineral oils are obtained by mixing base oils of different intensities with various additives selected according to the features expected from resulting product.
Industrial Oils;
Heat treatment oils, Metal Processing Oils, Leather and Textile processing oils, Hydraulic oils, transmission oils, skid oils, rust-preventive and rust-solvent preparations oil, full synthetic industrial oils, etc.
Automotive Oils;
Lubricating oils, gear oils, roller bearing and bearing oils, transmission oils, machine oils, greases, synthetic oils, etc.
Mineral Oil Production Plantsand System Operation Principles;
The base oil suitable for production is sent to the production mixer according to the type of mineral oil to be produced.
The formulation prepared in Vijay and additive mixers is mixed under heat by being added to the base oil in the production mixer. After a certain period of time, sample products are taken for the laboratory, the mineral oil production is completed after the necessary checks are completed.
Equipment to Be Found in The Mineral Oil Production Plant;
Raw Material Tanks
End Product Tanks
Production Mixers
Plant Process and Automation Procedures
Stock Field
Automatic or semi-automatic filling machines
Circulation and pressing pumps
Laboratory and testers
Weighbridges and scales
Our company offers turnkey solutions in the installation of mineral oil plant, mineral oil plant, installation of mineral oil factory, mineral oil production plant, installation of lubricating oil plant and installation of lubricating oil blending plant.
AK-MY 20
AK-MY 50
AK-MY 100
Daily Processing Capacity
Special Arrangement will be carried out for High Capacity Plants
Total processing time
8 Hours
8 Hours
8 Hours
8 Hours
Required factory field
200 m2
500 m2
600 m2
800 m2
Products to Be Produced
Hot Oil Boiler, Steam Boiler or Electric Resistance
Raw materials
Automotive Oils (Diesel and Gasoline Oils) Industrial Oils (Gear Oil, Cutting Oil, Machine Oil)
Operation System
SN-80 , SN-150 , SN-300, SN-500 Base Oil And Recycling Base Oil
Diesel, Fuel Oil, Gas and Electricity
Heating Type
Loadcell Automation System or Semi-Automatic Manual System
Heating Fuel
Standard Basic Laboratory Equipments are Required for System Operation
Necessary Manpower
1 Senior Engineer 1 Personnel
1 Senior Engineer 3 Personnel
2 Senior Engineer 5 Personnel
2 Senior Engineer 7 Personnel
Delivery time
30 Workdays
35 Workdays
45 Workdays
60 Workdays
Assembly time
5 Workdays
10 Workdays
15 Workdays
20 Workdays
Makina güvenlik sistemleri bu sertifikalarla denetlenmiş ve onaylanmıştır:
İSO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
CE TRC-21-1811/01/01
motor yağ üretim tesisi
kimyasal katkılar
madeni yağ sertifika standartları