Titech Airless

Paint Machines, Electric Paint Machine, Injection Packer, Electric Insulation Machine, Injection Resin, Road Line Machine, Polyurethane Injection Machine, Pressurized Paint Tank, Manufacturing and Sales

Nombre de jours d'adhésion: 293 Jour
Nom de l'entreprise: Titech Airless
Type d'activité : Exporter | Fabricant - Producteur | De gros | Distributeur | Vente au détail | Ventes d'occasion | Service après-vente | Importations | Fournisseur
Brève Description de l'Entreprise : Paint Machines, Electric Paint Machine, Injection Packer, Electric Insulation Machine, Injection Resin, Road Line Machine, Polyurethane Injection Machine, Pressurized Paint Tank, Manufacturing and Sales
Nombre d'employés : 1-10 Travailler entre
Type de société : Limited Şirketi
Année de fondation : 2000
Capital : Entre 10 000 001 et 50 000 000 TL
Chiffre d'affaires annuel : Belirtilmedi
Titech Airless Tanıtım Titech Airless Tanıtım
Titech Airless & Steel design and industrial support to many automotive companies and a wide industrial production facilities from food to textiles in the manufacturing-assembly process and our main company representing ABUS CRANE / GERMAN ceiling crane systems in terms of steel supply and application in Turkey provides support in terms of spray technologies and serves many international projects with industrial paint applications. Electric Paint Machines, Airless Paint Pumps, Diaphragm Paint Pumps, Injection Machines and Road Line Machines are our main products that we professionally sell.

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