MBS BalansQui est-ce ?

Metaş Balans have been practicing the art of balancing for over 30 years, while also manufacturing balancing machines, sharing its knowledge and experience in balancing services. Metaş Balans' strong structure and recognized and distinguished brand image comes from its strength and service approach in the sector. Focusing on a wider perspective and more advanced activities in both national and international markets, Metaş Balans, through sustainable development strategies and stable investments and innovation in its field, aims to provide full service and production through its empowered employees and business partners. With production strategies tailored to sectoral demands, Metaş Balans' Production technology is structured and used based on the latest technological products and developments. Producing its products in accordance with CE, ISO 9001-2008, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, TSE standards, Metaş Balans manufactures advanced electronic measurement systems used in the product range that are supported by R&D investments, and presents their own technology to the world markets. Metaş Balans, with its vision of integrity and reliability, gains strength and aims to become the preferred and consumer-centric automation company in national and international markets through quality product.