Maksan Makina Kazan Sanayi

Maksan Machine Boiler Industry specializes in the production and sales of Industrial Boilers, Fuel Tanks, Spot Tanks, and similar Liquid Tanks, as well as Waste Oil Recycling Facilities.

Nombre de jours d'adhésion: 101 Jour
Nom de l'entreprise: Maksan Makina Kazan Sanayi
Type d'activité : Exporter | Fabricant - Producteur | De gros | Vente au détail | Service après-vente
Brève Description de l'Entreprise : Maksan Machine Boiler Industry specializes in the production and sales of Industrial Boilers, Fuel Tanks, Spot Tanks, and similar Liquid Tanks, as well as Waste Oil Recycling Facilities.
Nombre d'employés : 1-10 Travailler entre
Type de société : Şahıs Firması
Année de fondation : 2000
Capital : Entre 0 et 500 000 TL
Chiffre d'affaires annuel : Entre 0 et 249.000 TL
Maksan Machine Boiler Industry Maksan Machine Boiler Industry is a domestically owned company specialized in recycling machines, systems, and facilities. Our company manufactures and sells various products such as waste oil treatment systems, petroleum refining systems, cooling towers, asphalt tanks, stock tanks, filter press machines, hot oil boilers, and more. The quality and reliability of our products are well-known in the sector. At Maksan Machine, we aim to offer environmentally friendly and high-performance solutions to our customers. We provide flexible solutions to meet the needs of your business by offering custom design and scaling options tailored to your needs. We always prioritize customer satisfaction at Maksan Machine. Our professional team will be happy to assist you in pre-sales and after-sales services. In addition to our products, we also offer technical support and maintenance services to ensure uninterrupted operation of your business. Offering special solutions for recycling, industrial processes, and energy sectors, Maksan Machine stands out in the sector with its innovative approach and quality products. We value our customers and constantly strive to provide the best solutions to meet their needs.