Aktiv Otomat

Fabrication, marketing and sales of vending systems, tea coffee vending machines, food beverage vending machines, money mechanisms, spare parts and credit card systems

Nombre de jours d'adhésion: 171 Jour
Nom de l'entreprise: Aktiv Otomatik Satış Mak. İth. İhr. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Type d'activité : Exporter | Fabricant - Producteur | Vente au détail | Ventes d'occasion | Service | Importations | Fournisseur
Brève Description de l'Entreprise : Fabrication, marketing and sales of vending systems, tea coffee vending machines, food beverage vending machines, money mechanisms, spare parts and credit card systems
Nombre d'employés : 1-10 Travailler entre
Type de société : Limited Şirketi
Année de fondation : 2000
Capital : Entre 0 et 500 000 TL
Chiffre d'affaires annuel : Entre 0 et 249.000 TL
Aktiv Vending Systems, which started its commercial life in 2015 with Ruhi TOLAN and Mustafa ZER and continues with a partnership based on honesty and courage, is increasing its investments in our country. Our pioneering principles in business and our diligence have brought our company to the present day. Working as an importer, our main goal is to open a production line in our country based on the experiences we have gained with our vending machines and then to carry out export-oriented activities. In line with this goal, we provide service with our expert technical service teams and distribution personnel in 50 different projects at 200 different points with nearly 500 vending machines. In addition, we sell, rent and operate vending machines of the brands we distribute with spare parts guarantee.