FaSSGF Tampon Concentrate

Fiyat Sorunuz
Min. Sipariş 1 Adet

İlan No: #00206927
Kategori: Tampon Konsantre
Marka: Biorelevant
Model Tipi: FaSSGF
Ürün Tipi: Satılık
Ürün Durumu: Sıfır
Menşei: Türkiye
Teslim Durumu: Stokta Var
Konum: Maltepe Mah. / Zeytinburnu / İstanbul
Satış Detayı: Havale / EFT, Görüşülür

Satıcıyla iletişim kur

YGT Laboratuvar Cihazları San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Danışman : YGT L.

FaSSGF Tampon Concentrate

FaSSIF, FeSSIF, and FaSSGF are dissolution media that simulate human intestinal fluids:

  • FaSSIF: Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid

  • FeSSIF: Fed State Simulated Intestinal Fluid

  • FaSSGF: Fasted State Simulated Gastric Fluid

These fluids contain physiological surfactants (bile salts and lecithin) found in the gastrointestinal system to simulate dissolution media much more accurately than traditional media.

For over a decade, we have been producing FaSSIF/FeSSIF/FaSSGF (initially known as 'SIF Powder'), trusted by the world's top 10 pharmaceutical companies as the industry standard for preparing biorelevant test media. Its versatility and ease of use make it an excellent introduction to biologically relevant testing. The reasons why this product is so beneficial for both new and generic oral drug developers include:

  • In vitro dissolution results in biorelevant media help establish a relationship between an oral drug’s biopharmaceutical properties and in vivo absorption.

  • In vitro dissolution results in biorelevant media allow drug developers to identify test formulations with superior dissolution profiles.

  • Ideal for use with USP 1 or USP 2 dissolution apparatuses (we recommend 900mL of media per vessel).

  • Drug analysis can be conducted using HPLC.

  • The standardized preparation method is extremely quick and simple, providing a highly reproducible medium every time.

  • Obtain customized instructions on how to create different volumes of FaSSIF/FeSSIF/FaSSGF from our Media Preparation Tool (see above).

bağırsak sıvısı simülasyonu biorelevant tampon konsantre fassgf tampon konsantre simüle mide sıvısı gastrointestinal sistem simülasyonu sıf tozu
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