VDM Makine

Machine Automation Systems Wood Processing Machines, Packaging Machines, Glass Painting Machines, Carpet Washing Machines, Soffit Machines Manufacture and Sale

Number of Membership Days: 175 Day
Company Name: Vdm Makine Otomasyon Sistemleri
Activity Type: Export | Manufacturer - Producer | Wholesale | Retail sale | Service | Supplier
Company Brief Information: Machine Automation Systems Wood Processing Machines, Packaging Machines, Glass Painting Machines, Carpet Washing Machines, Soffit Machines Manufacture and Sale
Number of Employees: 1-10 Working Between
Type of Company: Limited Şirketi
Establishment Year: 2000
Capital : Between 0-500,000 TL
Annual Revenue: Between 0 - 249,000 TL
VDM Machine Automation Systems VDM Machine Automation Systems is a leading company that offers R&D-focused and innovative solutions in industrial machine production. We have a wide range of products such as furniture machines, soffit machines, packaging machines, glass painting machines, carpet machines, and titanium wire production. With our strong R&D team, we provide custom solutions for every project, offering our customers high-performance and efficient machines. We adopt a sustainable and environmentally friendly production approach by closely following technology. Keeping customer satisfaction at the forefront, we aim to establish long-term business partnerships with our after-sales support services. As VDM Machine Automation Systems, we continue to be a reliable solution partner in the field of industrial machines in Turkey and worldwide.