Üçsan Makina

Cooling Systems, Fan Cooling Tower, Chiller Cooling Systems, Plastic Fill Cooling Systems, Gas Cooling Systems, Hot Air Devices, Radial Fan Cooling Systems Manufacturing and Sales

Company Name: Üçsan Makina Su Soğutma ve Klima İmalatı San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Activity Type: Manufacturer - Producer | Retail sale | After sales service | Supplier
Company Brief Information: Cooling Systems, Fan Cooling Tower, Chiller Cooling Systems, Plastic Fill Cooling Systems, Gas Cooling Systems, Hot Air Devices, Radial Fan Cooling Systems Manufacturing and Sales
Number of Employees: 1-10 Working Between
Type of Company: Limited Şirketi
Establishment Year: 1987
Capital : Between 0-500,000 TL
Annual Revenue: Between 0 - 249,000 TL
ÜÇSAN MACHINE COOLING SYSTEMS was established in 1987 under the title ÜÇSAN MACHINE WATER COOLING TOWERS AND AIR CONDITIONING MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY TRADE INC. LTD. ŞTİ. with the production of water cooling towers. In a very short time in its field, our company, which is among Turkey's leading institutions, has achieved success in areas such as heating, cooling, contracting, import, and export by expanding the areas of activities related to manufacturing.