STK Makina Gıda MakinalariWho is it?

STK Machinery About It is engaged in equipment production and turnkey plant installation for the food sector, especially milk and dairy processing facilities. Founded in Sakarya in 1981, STK MACHINERY has established factories in many parts of our country and exported to more than 50 countries. STK MACHINERY has reached these days with its expertness in determining customer needs in the best way and finding the most accurate solution, quality service, and honest approach. STK MACHINERY, located in a modern and new factory in SAKARYA, has established complete facilities for milk production plants; collecting and cooling milk centers, milk transport tankers, milk intake, pasteurization and standardization lines, pasteurized milk lines, yogurt, buttermilk, kefir production lines, production lines for many cheese varieties such as white cheese, cheddar, cottage cheese, mozzarella, halloumi, cream cheese, labne, edam, and gouda, cream production lines, butter and yeed production lines, ice cream production lines, CIP units, storage systems, and installation of complete turnkey milk factories. It establishes turnkey fruit juice plants and supplies all kinds of equipment and services for fruit juice, fruit nectar, fruity beverages, and flavored beverages. As STK MACHINERY, we are establishing turnkey milk factories and producing solutions for other food processes such as fruit juice, water, honey, jam, chemistry, and pharmaceutical industries. STK MACHINERY continues its activities in AR-GE, design, project, production, assembly, commissioning, sales, and after-sales services. Our goal is to offer our valuable customers the most advanced technology and quality products, to provide the best service in after-sales service with expanded warranty periods. OUR MISSION: In our company established in 1981 to manufacture food machinery; to institutionalize, to evaluate our resources and opportunities at the highest level, to increase the speed of workflow efficiently. OUR VISION: Making our institutionalized company a well-known brand in the machinery manufacturing of the food industry in Turkey and in the world, serving our country.