Skid Transfer Conveyor
Skid Conveyors are ground carriers for material handling and are a type of floor conveyor. They are commonly used in areas like light industries. Additionally, they are a combination of different equipment offering flexible layout, functional diversity, and highly automated transportation features.
The conveyor system consists of various types of basic unit conveyors that can be placed in different conveyor systems according to the facility conditions and process flow to meet the requirements of multi-dimensional material transport.
ROLKON provides solutions by lightening heavy loads with intelligent transport technology.
- Versatile due to precise adjustments made for the materials to be transported.
- Flexible and adaptable, advantageous in situations where products need to be accessible from above.
- Can be adapted to warehouses, production, and assembly facilities, as well as all types of conveyor systems.
- Low noise, high speed, short installation cycle.
- Suitable for integration with process equipment.