Ron MakinaWho is it?

Ron Machinery has specialized in the production and sales of machinery and equipment for the clothing, furniture, and accessories sectors. From 1971 to the present... Founded in 1971 to produce riveting and assembly machines for sectors such as white goods, automotive, and electrical, Mikron started to produce machines, press machines, and molds for the clothing sector as of 1985. With knowledge passed down from generation to generation, Mikron has achieved production in world standards... Mikron, focusing on quality and customer satisfaction, has gained a large market share in the sector. In the 1990s, with new initiatives, Mikron started producing products such as snap fasteners, buttons, eyelets, jeans buttons, and manufacturing hand presses, pneumatic presses, magnetic presses, and equipment to assembly these products for the textile sector. World standards have always been the basis of all processes. The 3rd generation, leveraging these experiences, has developed patented products with unique designs and functions that can increase efficiency for the furniture sector and contribute to its development. Mikron continues on its way to benefiting from all technological developments and experiences, aiming for sustainability and maximum efficiency. Mikron, with its growing dealer network every year, operates in more than 50 countries. Mikron, which is both an accessory and machine manufacturer in the furniture and clothing sectors, currently serves customers in more than 50 countries. Meet Mikron products offered with world-class production Advanced technology and high-quality standards. Meet speed and maximum efficiency with Mikron. More production in less time. Increase your production power with Mikron products. Renew both the production process and results with the innovative and pioneering approach of Mikron. Meet Mikron. Contact us to get information about our products, request a meeting, inquire about prices, and find out our nearest dealer to you.