Export | Manufacturer - Producer | Distributor | Retail sale | Second Hand Sales | Service | After sales service | Imports | Second Hand Buying |
Sells Horizontal Injection Machines, Vertical Injection Machines, and Auxiliary Equipment
Export | Manufacturer - Producer | Wholesale | Distributor | Retail sale | Second Hand Sales | Service | After sales service | Imports | Second H
Automation Systems, Plastic Injection Machine Automation, Energy Saving System, Opkon Rule
Export | Manufacturer - Producer | Imports
0tomotıv sektörüne kalıp tasarım ve imalat faaliyeti
Export | Manufacturer - Producer | Wholesale | Retail sale | Imports | Supplier
Mold Production, Defense Industry, Automotive Molds Manufacturing and Sales
Rolling Machines, Rolling Mill and Special Equipment, Custom Design Projects, Gearbox, Pin