Automatic Belt Sewing Machine with Lockstitch

Automatic Belt Sewing Machine with Lockstitch - 0
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Advertisement No: #00079673
Category: Belt Machine
Brand: Tecnomac
Model Type: TECNOMAC
Product Type: For Sale
Product Status: New
Origin: Other
Location: Abdurrahman Nafiz Gürman Mah. / Güngören / İstanbul
Sales Detail: Bank Transfer, Negotiated
Teknomak Tekstil Makinaları San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti
Advisor : Fevzi Y.

It does not lock the end when starting.

It leaves the end of the belt open at the exit.

Designed for shaping and straight belts.

Equipped with photocell control and thread cutter.

Automatically stops when the job is done.

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