Karakuş MakinaWho is it?

Karakuş Machine Karakuş Machine; In accordance with quality standards, it produces PVC, PPRC, P.E. (POLYETHYLENE), and P.P. (POLYPROPYLENE) pipe machines according to customer needs and demands. Karakuş Makina produces and sells machines such as Pvc Profile Machine, Plastic Pipe Machine, Plastic Recycling Machine, etc. It manufactures single and double screw extruder machines that pull profiles such as PVC window and door profiles, panelling (wall, ceiling and door), cable duct, window sill, siding, window sill, cornice and so on. KARAKUŞ MACHINE INDUSTRY, WHICH HAS BEEN MAKING PVC PROFILE AND PPRC, P.E. (POLYETHYLENE) PVC PIPE MACHINES SINCE 1980, STARTED PRODUCING CABLE MACHINES AND TWISTING LINES WITH OUR EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL IN THE YEAR 2006. In our production program; We would like to emphasize that we can offer our customers a very wide product portfolio with all auxiliary equipment required for extrusion lines from 20 mm to 150 mm, Rigid Twisting Lines from 1+6+12+18+24 / 315 mm to 630 mm, Buncher Twisting Lines from 315 mm to 1600 mm, Drum Twister Lines from 1000 mm to 2500 mm, Drum Twister Lines from 400 mm to 1250 mm, Coiling Lines, Transfer Lines and all auxiliary equipment needed in cable production. KARAKUŞ MAKİNA SANAYİ, TAKING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INTO CONSIDERATION IN CABLE MACHINE PRODUCTION, PROVIDES THE BEST SERVICE WITH EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL AND ENSURES AFTER-SALES SERVICE IN THE FASTEST WAY.