Kaptan Pres

Mechanical Eccentric Press Manufacturing, Boring Machine, Band Saw, Universal Milling Machine, Column Drill, Punching Press, Surface Grinding, Welding Machine, Compressor, Cylinder Machine, Tool Milling Machine, Induction Tunnel Heater, Circular Saws, Motor Shears, Overhaul, Maintenance, Repair, Gas Welding Machines, Compressor, Second Hand Buying and Selling

Number of Membership Days: 341 Day
Company Name: Kaptan Pres Mekanik Eksantrik Pres
Activity Type: Dealer | Manufacturer - Producer | Second Hand Sales
Company Brief Information: Mechanical Eccentric Press Manufacturing, Boring Machine, Band Saw, Universal Milling Machine, Column Drill, Punching Press, Surface Grinding, Welding Machine, Compressor, Cylinder Machine, Tool Milling Machine, Induction Tunnel Heater, Circular Saws, Motor Shears, Overhaul, Maintenance, Repair, Gas Welding Machines, Compressor, Second Hand Buying and Selling
Number of Employees: 1-10 Working Between
Type of Company: Şahıs Firması
Establishment Year: 2014
Capital : Between 500,001-2500,000 TL
Annual Revenue: Between 0 - 249,000 TL
Captain Press: Mechanical Eccentric Press Machines Captain Press operates in the eccentric press manufacturing and marketing sector with a principle of quality production. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, closely following technological developments, and aiming to offer the highest quality machines at the most economical conditions. Captain Press has a wide range of services, it also offers maintenance, repair, and renewal services along with the manufacturing of eccentric presses. The product range includes eccentric presses of various capacities and meets the demand for second-hand presses. It is a brand recognized nationally and internationally, representing the pride of the company with the products bearing the 'Captain Press' label. Fulfilling its commitments with a customer-oriented service approach, it provides services to customers according to quality and ethical values. Its mission is to exceed customer expectations by offering quality products and services, and its vision is to become a preferred institution reaching large masses.