Gezer Roller Conveyor Packaging Machine Models
The new generation gezer roller conveyor packaging machine produced for high-speed, high, wide, and long products on our page. Gezer roller conveyor packaging machine can easily be used for packages such as halva, grouped Turkish delight, grouped wafers, grouped bread, grouped biscuits, and multi-pack types.
Gezer roller conveyor packaging machine reveals necessary information about technical features and equipment features, compliance with food standards, usability, and other optional features. Gezer roller conveyor packaging machine is designed to pack high, large, and heavy products in a horizontal system. Gezer roller conveyor packaging machine can be used in food industry, cosmetics and cleaning industry, automotive industry, medical products, electrical materials, furniture accessories, PVC pen systems, white goods, toys, gifts, wet wipes, pocket tissues, etc.
All settings and functions can be accessed from the touch control panel of the Gezer Roller Conveyor Packaging Machine. Gezer roller conveyor packaging machine heat settings, photocell settings, package cutting length, capacity, required number of products, etc. can be adjusted and monitored from the screen.