End Caps for Hydrostatic Pressure Test

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Advertisement No: #00185680
Category: Laboratory Testing and Measurement Device
Brand: AHP Plastik Makina
Model Type: 202030
Product Type: For Sale
Product Status: New
Origin: Turkey
Delivery Status: In stock
Location: Adnankahveci Mah. / Beylikdüzü / İstanbul
Sales Detail: Bank Transfer
AHP Plastik Makina San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Advisor : Mohammad F.
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End Caps for Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Definition and Areas of Use: Auxiliary equipment used to measure the hydrostatic pressure resistance of plastic pipes under specific pressures. These caps, usually used with hydrostatic pressure equipment, are designed to perform burst and strength tests of plastic pipes.


  • Wide Application Range: These caps, suitable for various types of plastic pipes such as PE, PP, PVC, HDPE, ensure the safe testing of pipes with diameters ranging from ø16 to ø1600 mm.

  • Material Variety: They are made of stainless steel and aluminum-bronze alloy materials. This feature ensures that the caps are durable and lightweight, providing ease of use during operation.

  • Screw-On Mechanism: They have a special screw-on mechanism designed for large test caps. This feature allows caps to be quickly and easily mounted and disassembled, making the testing process more efficient.

Advantages and Benefits:

  • It is a reliable and effective solution for conducting strength tests of plastic pipes.

  • It has a wide range of diameters, allowing testing of pipes in different sizes.

  • Being made of durable materials provides long-lasting and reliable performance.

  • Provides easy assembly and disassembly with the screw-on mechanism, increasing work efficiency.

As a result, plastic pipe hydrostatic pressure test caps are important equipment that allows plastic pipe strength tests to be carried out in accordance with industrial standards. With the ability to make precise measurements and automatic functions, it increases work efficiency, while meeting user needs with its user-friendly interface and reporting features.

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