HAS Machine Hardware and Ventilation HAS Machine, has spread its wholesale sales graph to the whole country with the import and marketing activities it has been doing in the 'HARDWARE' sector for a long time. HAS Machine, Pipe Profile Machine, Meat Processing Machines, Welding Machines, Drilling Machine, Press Machine, Sanding Machine, Wood Profile Cutting Machine Marketing and Sales. We provide service to our valuable customers with our safe and fast service understanding, our quality and qualified product range, and our suitable sales conditions. In our sector, we strive to implement a modern and innovative policy in the domestic and foreign arena, trying to meet the requirements of the technologies brought by the 21st century. OUR MISSION Providing unconditional satisfaction of our customers. Keeping quality at the highest level. Offering the best service with the least faulty product. Increasing our product and service quality without compromising on quality. Responding to customer requests in a timely manner. Being a leading institution in our field of business with our quality service approach we provide. VISION HAS MACHINE HARDWARE, by keeping their customers' needs and expectations at the highest level, has managed to become a reliable and sought-after company. With the justified pride of this success, it aims to continuously increase its market share. By following technological developments in the global market and spreading the total quality philosophy at all levels of management and implementation; it will continue to fulfill its responsibilities to humanity, the environment, and universal values.