HAK MACHINE I started my professional career as a lathe operator in 1977. I continued my journeyman foremanship until 1990 with the apprenticeship and journeyman of the artists who love their art and work with humility and decency. After that, until 1997, I developed my experience and art by producing various and specially designed machines and made it a principle to do everything well and with quality. In 2000, I started producing Hak Machine plastic recycling machines, PVC powder micronizing machines. Towards the end of 2009, I saw that all the machines on the market were copies of each other. As Hak Machine, we decided to make a change in Turkey, especially in plastic recycling machines, with quality machines, based on our art and past experiences, and we will always be proud to offer the quality of our machine and our work. Just as our name Hak Machine, we will share with you, our benefactors, that everyone will get what they deserve for their money and investment...