Emek MakineWho is it?

Emek Makine, since 1975, continues its industrial machine manufacturing activities. Witnessing all developments and changes in the sector closely enables the brand to be aware of today's industrial needs and transformations. With this consciousness, based on today's production model, industrial machines produced are made to achieve optimum efficiency for institutions with heavy industry and advanced technology infrastructure. Machine 'Work' Requires Labor, Emek Makine; it produces all kinds of press machines needed for industries such as the Automotive sector, electrical and electronic industry, rubber and plastic industry, household and kitchenware industries. Great importance is attached to the quality, usage period, and efficiency of the material obtained from the machines required in these areas. Emek Makine closely monitors and analyzes the needs of the sectors it produces machines for, and provides important support in the process of presenting and producing the right machine model. Operating with high engineering knowledge, Emek Makine enables large industrial institutions striving to adapt to global competitive conditions to produce with national technologies; and thus reducing their external dependencies and enabling them to develop products at a more affordable price. Machines with national technology produced by Emek Makine are offered to institutions with attributes that enable distance to be covered in global competition, obtained with high engineering and craftsmanship. Quality is Rewarded Emek Makine acts with a focus on quality at every stage of the production processes. The quality of the raw material preferred for machine manufacturing, activities included in the production process such as craftsmanship and design are shaped in line with modern and global standards. Emek Makine closely follows constantly changing and renewing production processes, and attaches importance to R&D activities to realize investments that will minimize machine manufacturing time and cost. Keeping operational processes in a dynamic state with the philosophy of supporting innovation, innovation. The Secret of Success is in Emek Emek Makine, the leading brand in the sector, owes its power and position to the team that develops itself and makes it suitable for the requirements of the time. With Emek Makine, where the virtues enabling stable progress and planned rise have become a corporate culture, contributions continue to be made to Turkey's national economy, and new investments are made to create employment.