New Disinfectant Machines

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New Disinfectant Machines

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CM 16 Disinfectant Spraying Machine

CM 16 Disinfectant Spraying Machine

Arrow | CM-16
Base Brush Disinfectant Turnstile

Base Brush Disinfectant Turnstile

Arıtan | ART11
Base Brushed Disinfectant Turnstile

Base Brushed Disinfectant Turnstile

Arıtan | ART20
Çift El Bölmeli Dezenfektan Turnikesi

Çift El Bölmeli Dezenfektan Turnikesi

Arıtan | ART01
El Yıkama Evyeli Turnikeli Hijyen Koridoru

El Yıkama Evyeli Turnikeli Hijyen Koridoru

Arıtan | ART14
Çift El Sabun Turnikeli Hijyen Koridoru

Çift El Sabun Turnikeli Hijyen Koridoru

Arıtan | ART19
Base Brushed Hygiene Corridor

Base Brushed Hygiene Corridor

Arıtan | ART15
Disinfection Device for Air and Surface

Disinfection Device for Air and Surface

Kemos Grup | K-DC001
1 Lt Automated Refillable Disinfectant Device

1 Lt Automated Refillable Disinfectant Device

Hijyen Market | 999200
Disinfection Device Rax

Disinfection Device Rax

Rax | Mahal
Disinfectant Machines

Disinfectant Machine

Disinfectant machines are critical devices for ensuring and maintaining hygiene standards. Widely used in hospitals, schools, offices, factories, and other public areas, the disinfectant machine effectively destroys microorganisms, minimizes the risk of infection, and creates a healthy environment. Offering various models for both hand and surface disinfection, disinfectant machines are developed to meet users' hygiene needs. The disinfectant machine is a device used to effectively clean surfaces and air from microbes, bacteria, and viruses. Especially during the pandemic period, the importance of hygiene has increased, leading to the widespread use of disinfectant machines in both personal and industrial settings.

Disinfectant machines are practical and effective devices that can be used in any environment where hygiene is critical. Available in various models and capacities for both personal and industrial use, these machines work automatically with sensors to detect and distribute disinfectant liquid on hands or surfaces. User-friendly designs make disinfectant machines easy to use, usually based on a contactless operation principle, providing a significant advantage in terms of hygiene. Some models can be easily transported to any desired location due to their portable structure. Models suitable for industrial use are made of durable materials and are ideal for long-term use. Additionally, users can adjust the amount and frequency of disinfectant distribution, providing flexibility in usage.


Disinfectant Machine Prices

The prices of disinfectant machines vary depending on factors such as the size, capacity, materials used, brand, and additional features. Basic and portable models are usually more affordable and ideal for personal and small business use. Automatic models with higher capacity and advanced features are generally priced higher and are suitable for industrial uses. Disinfectant machines can have an average price range of {price range}.

Additional features include sensor-based automatic distribution, adjustable disinfectant amount, compatibility with various disinfectant types, and durable building materials. These features enhance ease of use while potentially increasing the cost. Also, models with high energy efficiency may initially be more expensive but provide savings in operational costs in the long run. When choosing a disinfectant machine, it is important to consider not only the initial cost but also the benefits and operating costs the device will provide in the long term.

To meet your need for a new or second-hand disinfectant machine, you can purchase from reliable manufacturers or authorized suppliers through and also seek support from authorized services.