Demineralization System / Hydro Safe H-Ds-001

Demineralization System / Hydro Safe H-Ds-001 - 0
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Advertisement No: #00096904
Category: Deminaralization Systems
Brand: Hydro Safe
Model Type: H-DS-001
Product Type: For Sale
Product Status: New
Origin: Other
Location: Bereketzade Mah. / Beyoğlu / İstanbul
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demineralization systems

Ion exchange process applied to remove all foreign ions in water and purify water. This process is achieved by passing the water through anionic and cationic resins. Water is first passed through an H+ charged cationic resin, where positively charged ions are exchanged with hydrogen ions. Then it passes through an OH- charged anionic resin, where negatively charged ions in water are exchanged with hydroxide ions. As a result of the ion exchange, H+ and OH- ions form water.

H+ + OH- ----------------> H2O

High-quality pure water can be obtained in deionization (demineralization) systems. Depending on the water's characteristics, mixbed resins can be added to the system after cationic and anionic resins to achieve the desired conductivity value.

The cationic resin used in the deionization process is charged with H+ (hydrogen) ions. Hydrochloric acid is used to regenerate this resin. Similarly, the anionic resin used in this system is charged with OH- (hydroxide) ions. For the regeneration of this resin, a base (sodium hydroxide, i.e., caustic soda) is used.

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