Cehuma Thermoform Machines

Cehuma produces high quality thermoform vacuum / MAP machines for meat, dairy, poultry, seafood... industries and thermoform fill seal machines for water, juice, ketchup, butter, honey, jam...

Company Name: Cehuma Thermoform Packaging Machines
Activity Type: Export | Manufacturer - Producer
Company Brief Information: Cehuma produces high quality thermoform vacuum / MAP machines for meat, dairy, poultry, seafood... industries and thermoform fill seal machines for water, juice, ketchup, butter, honey, jam...
Number of Employees: 11-50 Working Between
Type of Company: Limited Şirketi
Establishment Year: 2014
Capital : Between 0-500,000 TL
Annual Revenue: Between 5,000,000 - 24,999,999 TL
Mersis No : 0610042309000016
Thermoform Vacuum / Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Machine for Meat Thermoform Vacuum / Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) Machine for Meat
Cehuma basically have two types of machine series one of which is CM Series, automatic vacuum and MAP packaging machines for meat, dairy, poultry, seafood, bakery, medical... industrias and the other is YZ series for automatic form fill seal applications for water, juice, butter, honey, cream cheese, chocolate paste, ketchup, mayo... Automatic Vacuum / MAP Packaging Machines CM series thermoformers are basically for automatic vacuum and MAP (modified atmosphere packaging) applications and very often used in dairy, meat, poultry, seafood, dried fruits and vegetables, bakery, medical and so on.