Biomass Pellet Plant
Bio-pellet production from agricultural residues
Using Starmax biomass grinding and pelleting equipment, you can convert agricultural waste and forestry by-products into high-quality fuel pellets and produce biofuels.
You can use our biomass systems to grind and pellet various raw materials such as wood chips, sawdust, tree branches, cotton-corn stalks, sunflower stalks, alfalfa, rice/sunflower husk, straw, animal manure, palm tree leaves, and forest waste.
Customized Biomass Plants for Your Project
We design, manufacture, and install biomass pellet plants by combining the most suitable machines based on raw material characteristics for your biomass pellet project.
A turnkey biomass pellet production facility consists of drying units, mills, pellet presses, cooling, and packaging (bagging) units.
✔ Bio-pellet production plants
✔ Biomass pellet production line
✔ Biofuel pellet production plant
✔ Straw and alfalfa pelleting plants
✔ Wood and sawdust pelleting systems
✔ Small and large livestock and poultry manure pelleting
✔ Professional bio-pellet production solutions
✔ Organic fertilizer pellet machines
✔ Rotary hammer mill & Pellet press machines
✔ Straw crushing machine & Hay chopping machine
✔ Palm and date tree leaf grinding and pelleting
✔ Biomass pellet press & Drum dryer
✔ Biomass pellet plants with drying units