ASM Endüstri MakinalarıWho is it?

ASM Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Industry and Trade Limited Company ASM Machinery specializes in the production of food machinery, especially equipment for milk and dairy products. ASM Machinery started its activities in 2006 with 15 years of experience. ASM Machinery manufactures and sells Cheese Production Machinery, Brine Cooking Kettle, Milk Cooking Kettles. With this purpose, it serves under the brand MILKMAK. It has made quality and innovation its principle to offer to its customers. It analyzes and offers solutions to its customers' needs on-site and on time with its experience and knowledge. ASM Machinery manufactures fully automatic plate and tubular pasteurizers, electric pasteurization systems, manual or automatic CIP systems, stainless depot tanks, internal wall (roller conveyor) cooking kettles, complete facility assembly machine and equipment manufacturing. Ali BOZKURT CEO & Founder