Arsenic Removal / Hydro Safe H-Ag-001

Arsenic Removal / Hydro Safe H-Ag-001 - 0
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Advertisement No: #00096907
Category: Arsenic Removal Systems
Brand: Hydro Safe
Model Type: H-AG-001
Product Type: For Sale
Product Status: New
Origin: Other
Location: Bereketzade Mah. / Beyoğlu / İstanbul
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Advisor : HSC A.
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Arsenic, copper and lead are used for hardening alloys, paint pigment applications, glass, textile, and various industrial areas. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified arsenic as a first-degree carcinogen and reduced the permissible amount in water to less than 5ppm. When zeolite comes into contact with water containing arsenic ions, the arsenic in the water is trapped by zeolite. Since the arsenic in water is held in a way that cannot be washed away with water, the arsenic in the liquid waste phase is converted into solid waste.

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