Our company's founders HUSEYIN ZINGIL, MEHMET ZINGIL, AKIN ZINGIL have been carrying on their 30-year pesticide spraying machine production experience under the name of Agrotek since 1998. Being in the agricultural spraying machine sector with TSE standards, the aim of the company is to produce economical and fault-free products. Demonstrating its success with more than 8000 products both at home and abroad, our company simultaneously carries out original spare parts sales and service activities. Agrotek Pest Control Machines and Agricultural Technologies Import Export Agricultural Products Industry Trade. Ltd. Ltd. by the company established to initiate his life, parallel to this, the corporate development of the company has accelerated. The growing business volume and development trend of the Agricultural Spraying Machine sector in Turkey, led the brothers Huseyin Zıngıl, Mehmet Zıngıl, and Akın Zıngıl, the experts in the Agricultural Spraying Machine sector, to become the effective institution of the sector and initiated the institutionalization process of their company. MISSION Agrotek Pesticide Spraying Machines And Agricultural Technologies Import Export Agricultural Products Industry Trade. Ltd. & The senior management of the Ltd. company, together with all its employees, within the framework of its corporate and social responsibility, commitment to national and universal laws, norms, and rules, professional ethics, and ethical values, aims to meet the expectations and needs of its customers accurately, completely, and beyond every time, in the correct and timely manner, adhering to the principles of impartiality and reliability. VISION In parallel with the global developments in the world, our company aims to make our company a leading and exemplary company in its sector by establishing management systems that will allow our company to grow continuously and healthily, strengthen its positioning and brand value in its sector. OUR QUALITY UNDERSTANDING • Flawless delivery, superior workmanship • Reliable and durable products in the long term. • Effective production and maintenance times for both customers and the institution. • Expertise in production, sales, and services, • Customer benefit, technology, security, respect for the environment • Investigating attractive financing opportunities for the customer specifically for a Policy '': Producing high-performance machines in every sense of production that best suits the customer in the area of technology, human and environment-sensitive.