What is a 3D Printer?

A 3D printer is a device that allows tangible prints of three-dimensional drawings designed in computer environments to be obtained. It is one of the technological marvels. 3D printers, which have a history dating back to ancient times, have become quite common nowadays, and many people have started to wonder what a 3D printer is. You can print your own designs and drawings using a 3D printer, as well as download ready-made drawings from the internet according to your needs and print them out. The basic working principle of 3D printers starts with heating thermoplastics to a liquid state and pouring them onto the printer's table, thus preparing the raw material for the production of the object that is separated into layers in the virtual environment. This process continues until all layers of the object are completed.

Filament, the thread-like thermoplastic used in printing, must be melted at the appropriate temperature to spread smoothly. Once spread as a liquid on the surface, the filament solidifies into the first layer as soon as it spreads over the surface. Therefore, it is crucial that the filament is thermoplastic because the most important characteristic of thermoplastics is that they turn into a liquid state when heated and solidify again when the temperature drops.

3D Printer Models

         Basically, all 3D printers print designed objects by separating them into layers. This is the common working principle of all 3D printers. However, the reason for differentiating 3D printers into different models is how the layering process is done, not just by printing layers. This also leads to the classification of printers into industrial and home types. The 3D printer models can be listed as follows;


  • Stereolithography (SLA) Technology

Although it is the oldest method used in 3D printers, it is still in use today. In the SLA technology, the layers created are transformed into objects by ultraviolet rays controlled by the computer. The printing process with SLA technology is fast, detailed, and meticulous.


  • 3D Printer Digital Light Processing (DLP) Technology

DLP technologies have many common features with SLA technology. DLP technologies also shape the layers using light. However, while SLA uses lasers as light, DLP uses a special projector light. It prints faster than SLA. The printed product is detailed and meticulous.


  • 3D Printer Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Technology


The most common printer type used in desktop 3D printing is the FDM, which stands for Fused Deposition Modeling 3D printer model.

The model designed on the computer is transferred to the printer and the printing process begins layer by layer.


  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Technology

This is a 3D printer model used in industrial fields. The working principle is similar to SLA, which uses laser light. However, in SLS, the material used is in powder form rather than liquid.


  • Selective Laser Metlik (SLM) Technology

It is preferred in technology and medical sectors. Although the working principle is like SLS with laser light, the laser here is much stronger. The raw material used is materials such as aluminum, titanium, stainless steel.


  • Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Technology

This printer type uses metal powders as raw materials. It operates at very high temperatures using a powerful electron beam source inside a vacuum. Other than that, the working principles are the same as with SLM.


  • Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) Technology

In LOM technique, materials made of stacked metal, plastic, or paper are shaped by pressure and heat with a computer-controlled blade or laser beam.

What Can Be Done with a 3D Printer

         The field of use of 3D printers is increasingly expanding today. With the expansion of areas where 3D printers can be used, the possibilities of what can be done with a 3D printer are diversifying day by day. It is beneficial to examine what can be done with a 3D printer in bullet points for a clearer understanding.

  • You can design and print decorative items, vases, coasters, and decorative products according to your own creativity.
  • Architectural designs and models can be printed
  • You can print the three-dimensional figure of your favorite artist, animation characters, or any character you admire.
  • You can design and print your own jewelry.
  • In the production of materials required for dental treatments
  • In the copying of valuable remnants, artworks
  • In the production of bones and body parts
  • It can be used in prosthetic production.
  • It is actively used in aviation, automotive sectors, and many other fields that we cannot list.

Making Money with a 3D Printer

         Designing and producing something with a 3D printer is quite enjoyable and fun. Moreover, 3D printer products can be produced at very economic prices. If you have a 3D printer at home or in your workplace, you can benefit from it in different areas. By taking people's needs into account, you can design and print objects and offer them for sale. Or you can design and produce on demand. Making money with a 3D printer is a smart and profitable method. By creating necessary accounts on active social media tools widely used today, you can upload images of the products you printed, write informative articles about 3D printer products, and promote your products. You can also advertise on social media programs. While this can be done at home, you need to establish a company and be able to issue invoices to appeal to corporate customers. In addition, corrections made to the object produced after printing will also return to you as extra profit.

3D Printer Prices

When it is mentioned what 3D printers can do, people tend to think that it is an incredibly expensive device. Although printers used in professional and industrial fields may be expensive, 3D printers that can be used individually at home are available at cheap 3D printer prices. When deciding to buy a 3D printer, you should first clarify your expectations from the printer. While doing your research, you should evaluate the criteria for the cheapest 3D printers with the desired features. Because in the market, most products fall into the category of cheap 3D printers according to their performance, while many products, despite their high prices, have low performance features. When choosing a printer, you should pay attention to the technical specifications of the printer and be familiar with the technology it uses. 3D printer prices are sold at quite affordable prices today. Especially if you are considering acquiring it for hobby purposes, not for mass production, you can get cheap 3D printer options.

The Best 3D Printer

When buying a product, everyone's common expectation is to benefit from the intersection of maximum performance and minimum price. When it comes to 3D printers, there are many printer models available. These printer models differ according to the sector they are used in, such as individual use, industrial use, etc. There are certain performance criteria expected from a good printer to bear the title of the best 3D printer. For example;

  • One of the factors affecting the quality of a good printer's prints is the filaments. The quality and technical features of the filament are directly related to the print quality.
  • Disassembled printers should have an easy and practical installation.
  • It should have a feature to save the position so that it can continue from where it left off when the printing is interrupted due to power failure or any other reason.
  • Friction and squeaking noises should be minimal during use.
  • The table temperature should be able to reach the required temperature quickly.
  • It should have a wide printing area.
  • The operating panel should be practical and easy to use.
  • It should have a filament tracking system that notifies when the filament is running low.
  • If you plan to print in different colors, pay attention to the number of extruders. The more extruders in a printer, the more colors it can print. However, as the number of extruders increases, the printing speed of the printer decreases.
  • Make sure that the 3D printer you are going to purchase has a CE certificate.