Pva (Poly Vinyl Acetate) Production Plants

Pva (Poly Vinyl Acetate) Production Plants - 0
Fiyat Sorunuz
+KDV Min. Sipariş 1 Adet
İlan No: #00204219
Kategori: PVA Üretim Tesisi
Marka: Atılım Makine
Model Tipi: A-KT001
Ürün Tipi: Satılık
Ürün Durumu: Sıfır
Menşei: Türkiye
Teslim Durumu: Stokta Var
Konum: Kayapınar Mah. / Dilovası / Kocaeli
Satış Detayı: Havale / EFT, Görüşülür
Atılım Makina ve Sanayi Mamülleri Paz. Müh. Hizm. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Danışman : Şakir B.

Atılım Makina PVA (Poly Vinyl Acetate) Production Plants

We produce this system succesfully from AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel in both Turkey and abroad.

PV plant in various capacities required of AISI 304 and AISI 316 stainless steel domestic as well as overseas manufactures turnkey PV plants successfully.

High adhesion strength and flexible film to feature a water-based polyvinyl acetate emulsion. After drying of the applied transparent, flexible and robust form a film. They have high adhesion strength, especially moisture and water-resistant glue.


D3 when used alone

When used with Hardener D4 is normunda.



* Windows and doors gluing

* Surface bonding

* Hard and Bonding of exotic trees (stair construction, etc.)

* Laminate bonding

* Lamp-tongue and finger-joint bonding

* High-frequency (20.000 kHz) and paste

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