280 cm Suport Surfaces and Playgrounds Premium Fnisher Machine

280 cm Suport Surfaces and Playgrounds Premium Fnisher Machine
438 Görüntülenme
Roemac Makine San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
tarafından 8.08.2024 tarihinde eklendi.

Roemac Roe-2.8 Premium 

280 Cm Sport Surfaces And Playgrounds Fnisher Machine

The ROE Finisher, designed by Roemac Machine for athletics tracks' floors and children's parks, can apply SBR raw materials to the ground with an adjustable iron temperature setting. In its plus models, the elevation of the moving iron and the finisher are controlled via the control panel. 


  • WEIGHT: 830 kg

  • WIDTH: 2800 mm

  • LENGTH : 2000mm

  • HEIGHT: 500 mm


Roemac Roe-2.8 Premium Specifications

- Moving ironing mechanism

- Product application of between 0.8 m and 4.5 m per minute

- 6 kW 220 Volts 50-60 Hz

- Automatic control of the ironing mechanism

- Automatic elevation option of the finisher

- Joystick control

- Remote control option (if requested)

- The maximum temperature of the adjustable iron is 200°C