Wespy DPF-1850-L
Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaning Machine
The particulate filter cleaning machine is designed to clean the particulate filters of both passenger cars and commercial vehicles.
The machine is completely made of stainless steel. Withe water purification system, water in the tank is recirculated and cleans the inside of the particle filter.
The machine starts the washing process by measuring the clogging rate of the filter after test button on the touch-operated display is selected.
After the washing process is completed, you can test again and measure that the filter is cleaned.
Then you can finish the washing process and proceed to the drying process.
After drying the inside of the filter, the cleaning process is fully completed.
There are bag and cartridge filters on the machine.
Tank has heat insulation.
The machine has lighting and a steam discharge fan.
You can wash and dry 2 different filters simultaneously, as the machine has individual washing and drying processes.
diesel particulate filter cleaning machine
dpf-1850-l diesel particulate filter cleaning machine
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wespy cleaning machine