YRC Makina

Bouillon Machines, Bouillon Presses, Bouillon Packing Machine, Bouillon Box Closing Machine, Bouillon Mixers, Bouillon Filling Robot, Bouillon Wrapping Machine, Bouillon Box Making Machine Manufacturing and Sales

Mitgliedsjahr: 1 Jahr
Unternehmensname: YRC Makina Ltd. Şti.
Art des Aktivitäts Hersteller - Produzent | Einzelhandel
Firmenkurzinformationen: Bouillon Machines, Bouillon Presses, Bouillon Packing Machine, Bouillon Box Closing Machine, Bouillon Mixers, Bouillon Filling Robot, Bouillon Wrapping Machine, Bouillon Box Making Machine Manufacturing and Sales
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 1-10 Arbeiten zwischen
Art des Unternehmens: Limited Şirketi
Gründungsjahr: 2008
Jahresumsatz: Belirtilmedi
YRC Machine YRC assists customers in pre-sales planning processes by determining the suitability of the facility that will be established and conducting the product formula test. We manufacture a bouillon plant from scratch, present the technical specifications to the customer, establish the facility and produce an average of 15 tons capacity. In addition, our post-sales services include product assembly, training on how to use, maintenance-repair, spare parts supply, and addressing customer complaints.