Vega Chillers

Cooling Systems, Gas Cooled Chiller, Air Cooled Chiller, Scroll Compressor Chiller, Dual Water Cooling Systems, Industrial Cooling Equipment Manufacturing and Sales

Anzahl der Mitgliedschaftstage: 217 Tag
Unternehmensname: Vega Group Soğutma Sistemleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Art des Aktivitäts Exporteur | Hersteller - Produzent | Großhandel | Einzelhandel | Kundendienst | Importe
Firmenkurzinformationen: Cooling Systems, Gas Cooled Chiller, Air Cooled Chiller, Scroll Compressor Chiller, Dual Water Cooling Systems, Industrial Cooling Equipment Manufacturing and Sales
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 1-10 Arbeiten zwischen
Art des Unternehmens: Limited Şirketi
Gründungsjahr: 2000
Kapital Zwischen 0 und 500.000 TL
Jahresumsatz: Zwischen 0 und 249.000 TL
Vega Group, with an advanced manufacturing range in the field of water chillers, expands its network by offering a wide range of options in the industry. In addition to Chiller cooling systems, dry coolers, oil coolers, automation systems, and other accessories are also in the forefront in sales.