Karaçaylı Makina

Karaçaylı Machine, Automatic Carpet Washing Machines, Automatic Carpet Drying Machines, Automatic Carpet Wringer Machines, Automatic Carpet Beating Machines, manufacturing and exporting.

Anzahl der Mitgliedschaftstage: 318 Tag
Unternehmensname: Karaçaylı Makina
Art des Aktivitäts Exporteur | Hersteller - Produzent | Kosgeb-Unterstützung
Firmenkurzinformationen: Karaçaylı Machine, Automatic Carpet Washing Machines, Automatic Carpet Drying Machines, Automatic Carpet Wringer Machines, Automatic Carpet Beating Machines, manufacturing and exporting.
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 1-10 Arbeiten zwischen
Art des Unternehmens: Şahıs Firması
Gründungsjahr: 1994
Kapital Zwischen 2500.001 und 10.000.000 TL
Jahresumsatz: Zwischen 25.000.000 und 99.999.999 TL
Karaçaylı Machine is known for its R&D studies and continuous technological development to achieve the best cleaning results as a leading manufacturer in the carpet cleaning sector. The company produces carpet washing, wringing, beating, and industrial vacuuming machines, and operates in the continuously growing and globally evolving industrial cleaning sector. Karaçaylı Machine produces machines that comply with world standards with its expert workforce, after-sales services, and constantly renewed technology, and exports these machines. Being a brand that sets the direction for the sector with its advanced production line and experienced employees, Karaçaylı has gained a reputation for quality, innovation, and reliability with each project. Providing training to customers on machine usage, Karaçaylı Machine makes processes more efficient, offering easy-to-use and design machines.