Atmaca Makine

Our company has been serving the needs of our customers for new and second-hand industrial machines, facilities and industrial products from Germany since 1989

Mitgliedsjahr: 11 Jahr
Unternehmensname: Atmaca Import & Export - Sanayi Makineleri
Art des Aktivitäts Exporteur | Händler | Hersteller - Produzent | Großhandel | Agentur | Verteiler | Einzelhandel | Second-Hand-Verkauf | Service | Vertreter
Firmenkurzinformationen: Our company has been serving the needs of our customers for new and second-hand industrial machines, facilities and industrial products from Germany since 1989
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: Belirtilmedi
Gründungsjahr: 1989
Jahresumsatz: Belirtilmedi