Agrimerin Agricultural MachineryWer ist das?

Agrimerin Agricultural Machinery Tarım Makinaları

is one of the specialized company, established for worldwide demand of mechanization in agricultural sector to simplify farmer’s responsibility in various farm condition and greater productivity.

Our company policy is to stand by farmer’s solutions and their requirements by providing durable, convenient and eco-friendly farm machines beside reliable before-after sales service. We take opportunities of manufacturing experience and knowledge of domestic and foreign market so that carefully selecting the qualified and accurate agricultural machines to produce all over the world through AGRIMERIN brand.

We strive to be become the most preferred leader by expanding the dealership chain with authenticity in worldwide, and also improve the working conditions of our farmers by helping to make their lives easier with our products.
We are pleased to inform that Agrimerin cares about professional ethics, integrity and also valuable insights of our dealers and customers to keep hi-tech standard, additionally appreciates for the valuable intention of our products.


We would like to exceed our customers expectations in quality, delivery, and cost through continuous improvement and customer interaction.


To manufacture products comparable to international standards, to be customer-focused and globally competitive through better quality, latest technology and continuous innovation.