Dinamik Makine Curve Roller Conveyor
DİNAMİK Engineering & Machine supplies a wide range of curved conveyors, also known as a curve conveyor or round conveyor.
Curve Conveyors are designed for the operations that packed or open products need to be transferred by changing directions.
These provide optimal transport in the production process. In curved applications, the rollers are tapered so the product maintains its orientation through the curve.
This kind of conveyors are mainly used when it's required for layout purposes.
Modular, belt, roller types can be supplied. These conveyors are the best solutions for changing the direction of the flow in an operation.
Belt and roller curve conveyors can be produced with 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 135, and 180 degrees.
curve roller conveyor
dinamik makine curve roller conveyor
round conveyor
curved conveyor
modular belt roller conveyor